Learn to drive: Step by step unique driving tips for nervous drivers

Driving School Mississauga

ARE YOU A NERVOUS DRIVER? Do you get nervous when you think about driving? You are not alone, though. According to a survey, over two-thirds of drivers believe they are still unprepared to drive after passing their driving test. It might take a long time and a lot of practice to feel comfortable behind the […]


The G license is a driver’s license in Ontario that may be gained through a three-step process, including obtaining the G1 and G2 licenses, both beginner’s licenses with various limitations. To get this driver’s license, you must pass the driving exam and wait a certain amount of time to upgrade your license to the next […]

Ready to get behind the wheels? Follow these five safety checks

Safety should be your first focus when you first receive your license or drive. Your “Good Drivers” driving school taught you the road regulations, but after you obtain your license, you will not have an instructor sitting next to you reminding you of everything you need to do. Taking time to learn the basics of […]

Driver education program; a complete guide to overcome driving anxiety in teens

While learning to drive may be exciting for most people, it can also be nerve-wracking for others. Driving anxiety can be caused by a variety of factors. The majority of individuals are terrified of being involved in an automobile accident or colliding with a pedestrian. Others are simply afraid of trying something new. If you […]

“G” test Ontario: What will make you fail your “G” Test

A driver’s license in Ontario can be obtained, renewed, reinstated, or exchanged by passing any one of three tests or exams. Before driving on the road, you have to give knowledge, road, and vision tests. Graduation in Ontario’s licensing system culminates with the G license. Getting your driver’s license and driving legally removes most restrictions. […]

Teen Driver Safety: Top 5 Mistakes Student Drivers Make

license centre Ontario

Learning to drive is a difficult task. As a beginner, you’ll need to learn a lot of road regulations. You’re under a lot of pressure to learn and develop a new skill set effectively while also avoiding mistakes. Getting behind the wheel involves a great deal of responsibility as well as some possible dangers. Young […]

Adventures in Teen Driving

How do you actually teach a teen to drive? Think about it. We’ve been at it for a while. Driving is a learned skill that takes lots of practice (far more than the 50 hours required in my home of Illinois, and many other states). It’s a continual learning process because roadway situations and the driving […]