Why the G1, G2, and G Stages Are Key to Becoming a Confident, Safe Driver in Canada
In Canada, obtaining a driver’s license is a progressive journey aimed at ensuring legal competence
Log in any time any day from the comfort of your home Call 905-276-6066 to register now.
Online Classes are presently available any day, any time from the comfort of your home. 24/7. Make the initial payment of $200 any get started today!
Payments can be made over the phone with VISA or MasterCard, E-transfers are also accepted and can be sent to infogooddrivers@gmail.com
We are a Ministry Approved Course Provider and a member of Ontario Safety League With our certificate program, you will qualify for a maximum insurance discount and a reduction of 4 months in the waiting period. Teaching since 1981.
20 Hours in-class or online
10 hours in-car
10 hours Home-links (online)
Reduces waiting period by 4 months
Certificate Program
$599 + hst
20 Hours in-class or online
10 hours in-car
10 hours Home-links (online)
Use of instructors car for the road test
Reduce waiting period by 4 months
Certificate Program
$749 + hst
In Canada, obtaining a driver’s license is a progressive journey aimed at ensuring legal competence
Obtaining a full driver’s license in Ontario involves navigating the G1, G2, and G stages.
Driving is a significant milestone that brings newfound independence; however, being on the road can
Introduction Navigating the intricate landscape of driver education can be a daunting task, especially for
Good Drivers was established in 1981, with the aim of providing affordable driver education programs of excellent quality for all members of our society.